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What’s your favorite name for God? I asked that intermittently of our team members today. A few shouted quickly “Lord”, “Dios”, “Yahweh”! Others paused to ponder the question before proclaiming, “Creator”, “Father”, “Friend”. I find myself drawn often to those names as well, but today I’m going to choose “Jehovah Jireh”. Why? Because it means “My Provider”.

Kelly, an Endocrinologist and 1st timer to Guatemala was a great example of God’s provision! Her very first patient was a woman with a large growth on her thyroid. I can just picture God looking ahead to this week when He nudged Kelly’s heart to come, knowing an endocrinologist would be just what was needed! Jehovah Jireh!

Before Char boarded the plane, she popped into a dollar store for last minute supplies and found dozens of reading glasses! Tossing out a few items of clothing for the week, she was able to pack all the glasses to supplement what our pharmacy gives out. Patients come often with complex medical needs, but sometimes the need is as simple as wanting to see clearly. God saw clearly to that need with a simple shopping trip and willing shopper! Jehovah Jireh!

Phil has been leading medical teams to Guatemala for decades. Talk about someone who has literally provided for the needs of 10’s of thousands of patients! Jehovah Jireh! Today he saw a precious 17 year old girl with such a twisted body that she couldn’t be a candidate for a wheel chair and nothing else could be done. As he talked about this one, and how he watched her leave as she had come (in the arms of her parent who had carried her) his eyes were moist. Jehovah Jireh? Linda commented that he was definitely going to need some pastoral care! But God in His great wisdom had called Lee to travel from Memphis to be with us this week! Not only is he a kind and caring pastor, but they are family, connected by their kids being married to each other and having the same 2 awesome grandkids. What great love God showed to Phil in that he had provided for him in such a way- not the way he had hoped, but certainly what he would need today! Jehovah Jireh!

There’s a beautiful song called Jehovah-Jireh, whose lyrics keep playing in my mind:

Jehovah Jireh
My Provider
His Grace is Sufficient
For Me, For Me, For Me

Hallelujah, His grace is truly sufficient for each of us! As you journey with us these days in Guatemala, may you be gripped by the presence of his grace! And may “Jehovah Jireh” be our shared refrain!

Julie Eberly

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