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Everyone made it to the buses by 5:30am, and the team got to the clinic with no delay. There we had time for coffee and breakfast, followed by a devotion led by Pastor Jason.  With Phillipe as translator, the group heard the story from Mark 6 where Jesus was being followed by throngs of people, but had compassion for all of them, he regarded them as being like sheep without a shepherd. We discussed being compassionate to all the people we would see, extending his love to those who we met today.

The clinic opened its doors to the first group of patients. Unlike other years, patients were instructed to arrive at staggered times to limit crowding so that social distancing could be observed. Quietly and respectfully, the patients were lined up outside. As they entered, they were screened, and each given a new mask. Among those who are pictured include Zoila, who was seeking relief from a hernia, baby Victoria, who had a cleft pallet, Manolo, who needed help hearing and with his eyes, Baby Francisco, and his mother Francisca, whose son had a cyst on his lower forearm. There were many prayers offered, and the patients often expressed gratitude for Faith In Practice, without this ministry, they said they could not afford to get the care and attention they were receiving.

In the afternoon, the rain came down hard on the municipal center, bouncing off the metal roof and making it a minor challenge to communicate. But we welcomed the cool air the rain brought, and we were thankful to be inside.  Before long, it was time to pack up and wrap up day one.

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