
We are grateful for every single one of our faithful volunteers. Their life-changing talents bring healing to countless patients, young and old, in Guatemala. 

More than 1,500 U.S. and nearly 1,000 Guatemalan volunteers come together in faith every year to bring renewed hope and healing to more than 30,000 Guatemalan brothers and sisters. Our volunteers pay their own expenses to serve and ask their families and friends to support the overall mission via our Share The Mission program. Our volunteers represent the following surgical and medical specialties.

Become a Volunteer

Our volunteers are diverse, with unique experiences and skillsets, to serve in the following roles:


  • Orthopedics
  • Gynecology
  • Ear, Nose and Throat
  • Urology
  • Plastics
  • Pediatrics


  • General
  • Gynecology
  • Pediatrics
  • Ear, Nose and Throat
  • Dental
  • Physical Therapy


  • Interpreters
  • Cooks
  • Photojournalists
  • Spiritual Leaders

Trip Dates

June 11 - 18
736 Heinrich/Pond Surgery
June 11 - 18
737 Mirelez Surgery
June 25 - July 2
711 Wells Medical Clinic
Santa Rosa
July 2 - 9
738 Farrow Surgery
July 9 - 16
713 Johnson I Medical Clinic
July 23 - 30
739 Clegg Surgery

Load More Trip Dates

July 30 - Aug 6
740 Anderson Surgery
Aug 6 - 13
715 AGO Medical Clinic
Sept 3 - 10
741 Pogo Surgery
Sept 10 - 17
742 Bullard Medical Clinic
Sept 17 - 24
743 Askenasy Surgery
Sept 24 - Oct 1
714 Morgan Surgery
Oct 8 - 15
744 Hope In Motion Surgery
Oct 29 - Nov 5
746 Johnson II Medical Clinic
Nov 5 - 12
716 Mann Surgery
Nov 12 - 19
747 Thompson Medical Clinic


Serving During Covid

Volunteer Protocols

Does Faith In Practice require volunteers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to serve on a team?

Yes. Faith In Practice requires all volunteers to be fully vaccinated with their COVID-19 vaccination. Volunteers are required to submit proof of vaccination at least two weeks prior to the trip departure. If we do not receive a vaccination card the volunteer will not be able to serve.

Do I need to get a COVID test before I travel to Guatemala?

Effective March 12, 2022, passengers will be required to present evidence of receiving a completed two-dose COVID-19 vaccination course (or one dose for Johnson & Johnson), with the final dose being administrated at least two weeks before beginning your trip to Guatemala.

Faith in Practice strongly recommends that volunteers get a COVID test prior to the trips departure to mitigate risk of traveling to Guatemala with COVID unknowingly.

If you have tested positive for COVID within 90 days of traveling to Guatemala please also plan to bring a medical document stating your recovery from COVID-19. Your primary care physician can provide this documentation for you. It should state the day that you tested positive and that you have fully recovered from COVID-19. It should be signed from your physician and be on official letterhead from your primary care physician’s office.

I am returning to Guatemala for the first time since the pandemic, what will be different?

There will be protocols and measures in place to keep patients, volunteers, staff, and partners healthy and safe. You can expect a reduced number of patients, social distancing, and PPE requirements.

Is the Faith In Practice staff in country who work with teams vaccinated?

Yes, all staff who work with teams are fully vaccinated.

Are Guatemalan Volunteers vaccinated?

Many of our Guatemalan volunteers have had their first dose and Faith In Practice is working with our volunteers to get fully vaccinated.

Any Guatemalan volunteer who is serving on the mission team and is not fully vaccinated will be disclosed to the team and additional measure will be taken to keep everyone safe.

What PPE is provided for volunteers?

Faith In Practice provides all PPE that we require volunteers to use while serving in Guatemala. This includes masks, gowns, gloves, and face shields.

Do I have to wear a mask?

Yes, you must wear a mask to serve on missions.

Volunteers need to adhere to all state and federal regulations while traveling in the U.S., but we highly recommend traveling with a mask for the entire trip regardless of what is in place.

Once in Guatemala, there is a national mask law, and everyone must wear a mask in public indoor and outdoor spaces. This includes on buses, on the hotel grounds (anytime outside your own room), in the hospitals, medical clinics, and on the street.

What if I experience COVID-19 symptoms in Guatemala?

COVID-19 testing (antigen or PCR) will be provided if required at our partner hospitals or a nearby lab. Surgical team members will be tested on site at the hospital and medical clinic team members will be tested at the nearest private or public clinic. A staff member will accompany the volunteer.

If testing positive, the volunteer will be asked to isolate in a hotel room in Antigua. The isolation period is a minimum of 5 days. The volunteer will be monitored and provided medications for management of symptoms.  Faith In Practice will provide a document of recovery from COVID-19 if on the sixth day or later the volunteer has no symptoms and no fever for at least 24 hours. The volunteer will be able to travel back to the US without a negative test on the sixth day after testing positive, or later, with the Document of Recovery that Faith In Practice will provide

Can I shop or eat in restaurants in Antigua?

Teams serving in 2022 will be asked to commit to a bubble from arrival in country through Friday morning of the mission week until further notice.

The team will have the ability to enjoy a free day in Antigua if the following criteria are met.

-There are no major changes to COVID conditions in Antigua during your mission week

-All volunteer service work is completed and supplies are packed

-If all volunteers on the team have received a negative COVID test for travel (administered Friday)

Up-to-date recommendations will be given to the team during their mission week to help them stay safe during their free time.

I may have been exposed to COVID but do not have symptoms. Can I still go to Guatemala?

We ask that volunteers withdraw from the trip if they have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID within 14 days of the trip departure date, or if they have experienced COVID symptoms and have not received medical clearance. In these cases, the trip fee will be refunded if cancellation becomes necessary.

I know there are many protocols and measures in place but I’m still nervous, should I come? There are many factors to consider, and we will be making every effort to keep volunteers, staff, and patients healthy, but we cannot guarantee anyone’s health or safety. If you decide you are not ready to serve in these conditions, we will be ready for you in the future when you feel more comfortable and ready to serve.

Patient Protocols

How is Faith In Practice keeping the patients safe?

There is a high rate of community spread of COVID throughout Guatemala. Faith In Practice has implemented robust protocols to keep patients safe at all mission sites while assuring the patient can receive much needed medical care. These protocols include, but are not limited to, providing PPE, social distancing, establishing physical bio-barriers, staggering appointments, spacing of patients in Casa de Fe, Casa de Milagros, and hotels, delivering meals to the patient’s room instead of community meals, and individual transportation for triage, pre-op lab tests, and for the day of surgery.

How will patients be screened for COVID before I see them?

Surgical patients will receive a COVID test prior to triage day and will have a second COVID test at the hospital on the day prior to surgery. Patients (and volunteers) will have a temperature check/symptom screening before they are allowed entry into the Obras, Hilario Galindo, and the Village Medical Clinics.

What if patients come to the clinic or hospital with COVID symptoms?

Patients with COVID symptoms, or previous exposure, will be sent to the nearest public health center or public hospital for care and will receive follow up from Faith In Practice staff.

How many patients will we see?

Due to COVID, all teams can expect to see fewer patients than normal. Faith In Practice will serve as many patients as possible in this environment while keeping everyone safe and maintaining COVID protocols.

Application Process, Fees, and Cancellation

What is the application process?

If you know what team you want to join, please reach out to that team leader before filling out your application and let them know you plan to apply. They will have up to date information on specialties and roles needed as well as general team composition and can share more with you about the plan for the team.

Note: If you do not know which team to join but want to serve in 2022, please reach out to us at teams@faithinpractice.org.

After talking with your team leader or with Faith In Practice staff so we can help you find a team, please register and apply through the volunteer portal. Each volunteer will have specific documents that must be submitted and approved to complete your application in addition to the application fee.

Applications must be completed 90 days prior to the trip to be able to serve.

Note: Do not book your flight until your application has been approved and you receive confirmation by email that you have been officially added to the team.

How much does it cost to participate on a mission trip with Faith In Practice?

There is a non-refundable application fee of $125 due at the time of applying. The trip fee is $1,200 for a 7-day trip or $1,250 for an 8-day trip. The trip fee covers lodging, meals, ground transportation, airport transportation for volunteers travelling on the team flight, and medical emergency/lost-luggage insurance (not trip cancellation insurance). Additionally, you will receive flight information from the team leader and are responsible for purchasing airfare to and from Guatemala City once you have received confirmation from Faith In Practice that you have been placed on the official team roster.

Is Sponsorship still available?

Yes, Faith In Practice will continue to offer sponsorships in certain cases. Please speak with your team leader for more information on how to apply for sponsorship (financial aid).

What if I have to cancel?

We understand that, at times, situations occur which may require a participant to cancel. We therefore strongly recommend participants obtain trip cancellation insurance to protect against this possibility.

If I need to cancel, will Faith In Practice refund my trip fee?

If a volunteer cancels 45 or more days before the trip departure date, Faith In Practice will refund 100% of the paid trip fee. If the request is made 44 to 16 days before the departure, we will refund 75% of the paid trip fee. There will be no refund for cancellations made 15 days or less prior to the departure date unless the volunteer has been exposed to COVID. The application fee, which supports pre-trip administration costs, is not eligible for refund.

Travel Requirements and Flights

What are the entry requirements to Guatemala?

A visa is not required for U.S. citizens entering Guatemala. If your passport is from a different country, please check with your state department on requirements to enter Guatemala.

You must bring a passport that is at least 6 months from expiration and an official COVID-19 vaccination card/document. To avoid difficulty at the airport, please ensure that the name on your vaccination card matches the name in your passport.

Stay tuned for up to the minute updates that we will provide in advance of your trip as the situation changes.

I am ready to go, when should I book my flight?

Do not book your flight until your application has been approved and you receive confirmation by email from Faith In Practice that you have been officially added to the team.

Can I arrive later or earlier or leave later or earlier?

Please do not make plans to arrive early or stay later.

Due to the need to keep the team together for contact tracing and orientation, it will be required that all team members arrive to Guatemala on the same team flight or on a flight that is within the same timeframe. Your team leader will notify you of the team flight.

We understand that family or work emergencies do come up and we will of course work with you in those situations. Consider whether you can serve the full trip with the team before proceeding to finalize your application.

In-Country Logistics

Who arranges the logistics of my trip?

Faith In Practice arranges and manages all in-country logistics based on the information provided by your volunteer team leader(s).

Where will I stay during the trip?

Faith In Practice works with hotels that meet safety and health standards closest to the mission site.

Will I have a roommate?

There will be double occupancy rooming at the hotels. Each U.S. volunteer can expect to have a roommate during the mission week.

What will be our in-country transportation?

Faith In Practice works with a network of local transportation providers and the vehicle varies depending on the team size and the geographical area where the team is serving.

All team members must be on team transportation.

Health and Well-Being

Please also read the “Serving during COVID” section of the FAQs for additional health and well-being information related to serving during COVID.

What do I need to do for my health prior to travel?

Please refer to the Center for Disease Control for Health Information for Travelers to Guatemala at https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/traveler/none/guatemala. The CDC has extensive and valuable information related to travel in Guatemala, and Faith In Practice encourages all volunteers to review this site. Faith In Practice also urges all volunteers to consult with their personal physicians for specific, individual advice regarding medical precautions.

Please note that emergency medical care, emergency rooms, and sophisticated medical centers are not common or readily available in Guatemala. It is important that you consult your personal physician regarding any health concerns and to discuss the appropriateness and risks of participating in this mission.

Carry appropriate health and accident insurance documents as well as copies of any important medical records with you. Bring an adequate supply of all prescription medications (at least two weeks), any necessary personal hygiene items, and a spare pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses.

What can I do to stay healthy during the mission week?

It is very important to stay hydrated and to wash your hands frequently. You will receive a full orientation upon arriving in Guatemala on ways to stay healthy and mitigate risk of illness. It is important to follow the guidelines provided by Faith In Practice.

What if I get sick, injured, or need medical attention during my mission week?

Every team will have a volunteer team doctor. Please notify the team doctor immediately if you are feeling ill, get injured, or need medical attention.

Faith In Practice staff will work with the team doctor to ensure that you receive the medical care required.

We will strive to keep the Answers to these Questions updated.

Please note that the situation remains fluid and flexibility is important.
In any situation where Faith In Practice and Guatemalan law and regulation are in conflict, Guatemalan law and regulation will supersede.

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