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They day started with the team waking up bright and early to have a cup or two of mandatory coffee/tea and an amazing breakfast provided by our generous cooks, who’s names will be disclosed until tomorrow due to their top secret recipes. After breakfast the first day of devotions was led by Dr. Yarborough. The theme of the first devotion was based around hope. Hope is something that is able to live in all of us but it is also something we are able to provide. Dr. Yarborough mentioned the true meaning of hope, which was very intriguing. He said ” having dreams and hope should be held on lightly because that is not the virtue of hope, the virtue of hope is more of a state of humility, it’s a state of saying you know, I don’t actually control everything, I don’t actually know everything and I leave space in my life for good to happen even if it looks bad or there is a bad circumstance”. After the devotion we proceeded to the Obras to start the Faith In Practice mission of helping the people of Guatemala.

The first thing we did when we got there was to have everyone stand up and hold hands with each other to say a prayer. They prayer to some people is an everyday thing, but when you get everyone to stand up and really connect with one another is something spectacular. Right after our prayer the team was given a brief presentation on what each person was supposed to do and how they were supposed to do it. After the presentation everyone went to a room and got right to work. To share a connection with a stranger can be a difficult thing to build, but it was as if the connection between Faith and Practice and the people of Guatemala was already there. To be a part of an experience like this is incredible, and to have the opportunity to change someones life for the better is why each and every member of Faith In Practice and volunteers from all around Guatemala do what we do. Today, was just the first day of many.

Written by: Leonardo Garcia


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