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A day of contrasts.

Logistically it takes much coordination to move 45ish people from the airport to the hospital. But it was efficiently accomplished with respect and patience!

The day was filled with contrast. On our bus ride from Antigua to Reu we had a chance to recharge for about six hours, but as we traveled we saw beauty vs areas filled with struggles. We saw joy vs sadness. We saw people with wealth vs people experiencing poverty. It was a great reminder that we are all God’s children and are blessed with His grace no matter what our circumstances are.

At the end of our trip, we toured the hospital, got organized, met staff, and mentally prepared for the next day.

At the end of our day, we gathered for a meal and fellowship. Those of us that are new absorbed the stories from former years like sponges!!  We each bring strengths, but know we will be equally blessed as our patients.

-Carolyn Miller


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