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We come with different gifts and from various places, but we have a common goal.  Team 773 assembled on Saturday, May 20th, to travel to Guatemala for a #lifechangingmedicalmission, and we are excited!  The trip was long and a bit arduous, but we made it to our hotel in Retalhuleu just as darkness descended.

Our team hales from Texas, Virginia, California, New York, Washington, Georgia, and Arizona.  We have physicians, nurses, audiologists, physical therapists, pharmacists, wheelchair builders, translators, photographers, and a blogger.  Together we make up Team 773 and what a Team we are.

Some of us have been coming to Guatemala for over 25 years. Some of us are experiencing this beautiful country and its lovely people for the first time. Several of us have been asked to perform in roles we are qualified for but unaccustomed to doing.  We are working in a strange place surrounded by a language many of us don’t understand.

I am the Mission Coordinator and I have to say I have never been prouder of a group of people.  They have embraced one another…. whether old friends or new.  They have jumped into the fray and happily done the job that needed doing, whether setting up Operating Rooms or screening patients for this week’s surgeries.  I’ve heard laughter and seen them support one another as they work together.  I’ve been on many FIP trips and teams almost always gel and come together but never quite this quick and I’m beyond grateful.  Coming together to achieve a common goal is the very definition of ‘Team’, and that’s what I’ve seen today.

-Kathy Cameron

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