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This morning, our team woke up and ate a nice breakfast before visiting Casa De Fe. Casa De Fe is a house in Antigua run by Faith In Practice to give the patients of the Obras hospital in Antigua and their family members a place to stay. Many of the patients that Faith In Practice sees at the Obras hospital have to travel a long ways to get to Antigua, so Casa De Fe provides those patients a place to sleep and daily meals while they are in Antigua.

While at Casa De Fe, our team was given a presentation about the goals, history, and mission of Faith In Practice. Faith In Practice is a non-profit organization that started serving the people of Guatemala over 25 years ago, and the organization provides much-needed health care to the people of Guatemala who would be otherwise unable to recieve adequate care.

After our team’s visit to Casa De Fe, we started the long drive to Retalhuleu. We stopped for lunch along the way before finally arriving at Hospital Hilario Galindo in Reu. Hilario Galindo (HG) has recieved major improvements in the past few years thanks to the donations that Faith In Practice has recieved. The hospital contains four state-of-the-art operating rooms, a pre-op and PACU space, a ward, a new cafeteria, and more.

At HHG, our team was briefed on hospital specfic protocols, and we are all eager to begin triage tomorrow morning. Connected to HHG is Casa De Milagros, which is an analog to Casa De Fe. Casa De Milagros provides the patients who have traveled to Hospital HG in Retalhuleu a place to stay before and after their operations. There are several patients staying in Casa De Milagros now who have been waiting for our team since this past Wednesday. We truly cannot wait to serve the people of Guatemala.

(Pictured: Lima Surgery Team gathered at Casa De Fe, view of street in Antigua, & clothes drying outside Hospital Hilario Galindo)