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Today was Triage day. After an early 6 am devotional followed by a wonderful breakfast, the group got ready and took a bus to the Hilario Galindo hospital, a short 10-minute drive away.

During the triage day – from a first-time member of the Faith in Practice group and a freshman in college – my initial impression of the group was very positive. It became very apparent that “Team Trust / Team Flexible” has a clear group dynamic with trust, cooperation, and lots of comedic relief. All factors lead to a successful work climate.

Once we stepped into the Hilario Galindo hospital, I noticed a sense of intensity and professionalism that I have never experienced before. There’s a profound ability within the team. They mixed their shared in-depth knowledge to fine-tune the hospital in preparation for surgery – it was incredible to watch.

One of the most interesting challenges I noticed the group facing was familiarizing themselves with the new environment. It is clear that the group knows the process and goals, but the way in which they are accomplished is much different here than in the United States due to the location, equipment, and language all being different.

Aside from setting up the operating rooms and taking account of the medicine and tools available, the doctors, nurses, translators, and helpers all aided in the “triage” of the patients where they diagnosed and cleared the patients for surgery. I was able to shadow my father, an anesthesiologist, on the trip. He said that during his meetings with the patients, he was making sure that they were ready for surgery and if they need additional labs/care beforehand to get that diagnosed and scheduled. Using a translator, he asked them questions pertaining to their health – almost like solving a mystery – due to the language barrier and lack of previous medical history. One woman listed out 3 serious problems, and 2 of them had never been diagnosed before. I found out later that she had never seen an actual doctor.

After talking with numerous people on the trip, they all felt gratitude, resilience, and trust in the group and God. Many of the staff said that they were very impressed with how much these people have been able to endure, and it is clear that for many, they have been waiting for many months – if not years – to receive care. It’s incredible how much they have put up before we see them.

– Parker