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Tuesday saw the second day of cases for Team Davis. To begin the morning, surgeons made their first rounds. A particular moment that inspired many members of the team was when a patient exclaimed “Buenos Dias!” with a huge smile on his face as the doctors walked into the PACU. His joy and gratitude were clear, and his attitude undeniably motivated the team to serve with the same energy and dedication that they have brought all trip.

During the day, a few of the non-medical volunteers made a trip to Casa de Fe, a house owned by Faith in Practice to give the patients a place to stay before and after their surgeries. We delivered coloring books with crayons, and also greeted some of the incoming families who had just arrived. We learned that some patients come from as far as 15 hours away to receive treatment, a true testament to the importance of our organization not just in Antigua, but in Guatemala as a whole.

As we return to La Quinta de Los Flores tonight, we remain grateful for the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ. We love this community and are proud to see the impact that our hard work has on His people.

Collin Truitt

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