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It’s Day 4 of our mission and the second day of surgeries.  As on other days, we met for breakfast in the morning followed by a devotional.  Andrew took us through Devotional, reminded us of the great work the team is doing for the people of Guatemala but also reminded us to check in on each other and to make sure that each of the volunteers is doing good.
We made our morning walk to the Obras while enjoying the cobblestone roadways to walk on.  We arrived at the Obras and quickly the team got ready for the day.  The doctors went for their morning rounds to make sure the patients were doing good, while all the others got the operations rooms and PACU ready for the day.
The team successfully completed 15 surgeries and again touched the people of Guatemala.
So far I have been talking about the people of Guatemala but in today’s blog and tomorrow’s blog, I want to introduce you to the team of volunteers…
Let’s start with the non-medical team – Andrew Dorsett – Clergy, Bob and Marilyn Ewing (99th mission trip), Karina Contreas (Interpreter), Antonia (Toni) Laas (Interpreter), Akshay Wani (IT, Blog and Photography) and Paige Dean (Team Administrator)
Nurses – Nicole Gipp – CRNA, Michele Miller – CRNA, Carol Agudao, Dunya Jabar, Sara Vandiver, Carmela Dean, Tammy Estrada (Scrub Tech), Sarah Naumann, Holly Sair-Goshu, Kathleen Conley, and Julie Machac
Pharmacist – Robyn Boyle
Without the tireless efforts from each of the individuals on this team, nothing would be successful and everyone is working so cohesively.  When you are observing from afar you can tell that because of that teamwork everything is going so smoothly!
I will highlight the doctors in my next blog.