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Marta, our 82-year-old hernia patient is doing well on this clear, beautiful Wednesday. The volcano near Hilario Galindo is smoking and so is Marta’s recovery. She has been nervous to get up and move around, but the Guatemalan nursing staff has encouraged her to eat and walk and she is following their recommendations.  She will be going home today under the care of her daughter and grandson.

Dr. Balduf’s last patient for the day was Martha, who needed a hernia repair. While there was nothing out of the ordinary about the case, we did learn that the woman’s 14-month-old son is sick in a different hospital right now. She made the difficult decision to have her surgery. Everything went smoothly and with luck she will have a quick recovery and be back with her son in no time.

The majority of the volunteer team originates from Rio Rancho, New Mexico this year and the Rotary Club of Rio Rancho has played an important role in allowing some of our members to participate. The Rotary Club has provided sponsorship for two of our surgical techs and a nurse, Thomas, Corina and Mari. Corina and Mari are Faith in Practice veterans. They have been working in Dr. Balduf’s room and are a well-oiled team. Thomas is here for his first time and has been working with different surgeons. The team is fortunate to have them and the assistance that the Rotary Club provided in getting them here.

Today was a lighter day—there were only about four surgeries per room, or sixteen total. The team got to leave while the sun was still out! Having some time to rest and relax will help everyone prepare for the last day of operations tomorrow.

-David F. & Lisa B.


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