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Our team leader Dr. Austin led devotional this morning.  He spoke about why we do this work and how we are all called to serve.  After breakfast we boarded the bus to the village of San Francisco El Alto-Pachaj to set up.  Shortly after departure we ran into a roadblock and had to take a different route.  The scenery was beautiful, and our amazing driver William maneuvered the twisting and turning road masterfully.  We were happy to arrive only 30 minutes later than expected. This time our space was wide open, unlike the classrooms from the previous days.  This meant we needed to “wall-off” each area with ropes and draping.  It actually worked great, as everyone was in closer proximity and were able to consult with each other much easier.  I spent most of the day observing in the Peds clinic.  The children are so precious.  Dr. Miller, along with his interpreter Valerie, saw 34 patients. There is a common theme of tummy-ache, low appetite, and diarrhea among these patients.  Fortunately, he was able to prescribe acid-reducers and antibiotics to help.  He also provided many positive words, reassuring mama or papa they were good parents, telling kids to study hard and encouraging them to eat healthy foods for growth.

Our last patient of the day was Evalina, a 10-yr old with a chronic bloody nose.  Her papa reported she had been bleeding for 2 months and it had been a problem for the last 2 years.  Dr. Miller and other providers laid her down and prepared to treat her with silver nitrate to cauterize the bleeding.  He warned she wouldn’t like it, and he was right.  We assisted in holding her and comforting her during the uncomfortable procedure, and after several minutes the bleeding seemed to stop.  Dr. Miller gave Evalina’s papa instructions for the evening and asked them to return the following day so he could check on her.  She was exhausted, and we all felt grateful when she fell asleep in her father’s arms as he carried her home.  Today was a hopeful day.

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