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Hiya, it’s Thursday and the last day of surgery for Team Askenasy! We started this morning with worship, we sang a classic Amazing Grace and then Lord I Need You. The devotional today mentioned how Jesus came to earth to help the children of God and to show them he is “the Way, the Truth and the Life”.

After worship and devotional, we immediately got the ball rolling with seeing patients, getting the OR ready and assembling the wheel chairs. We had the opportunity to meet and talk to Luis who is the Director of Operations in Guatemala and he told us more about The FIP operation. In my previous blogs I mentioned that FIP has volunteer community leaders that go to surrounding villages and see if there are people who need care. Orfa is one of them, and she is a great example that shows how dedicated and committed FIP is and how it works to make sure those who need care can get it.

Orfa was the name of the patient who had the challenging case. She is doing better and successfully walked 100 feet. Edgar, her volunteer leader had brought her to the medical clinics in the villages, which was a different village from hers, in March. Before she met Edgar she didn’t think she wouldn’t be able to get treated. Then, scheduled her surgery in September specifically for this team. It’s amazing to see how God works because this team worked proficiently, knew what to do and how to do it. Her husband, kids, and loved ones are grateful for the care the FIP, the team, the hospital staff showed to Orfa.

Overall we saw 66 patients in the OR variating in different surgeries such as hernias, gallbladders, lap chole, TURP, cystolotodomy and many others. The mobility clinic group saw 143 patients, gave away 7 crutches, 110 wheelchairs were built and 107 were given to the patients. There were times when the days were long, but the team preserved and helped as many as they could! The team did a wonderful job and made a difference. The answer to yesterday’s riddle was a KEYBOARD. See you tomorrow, Hasta Mañana!

Archana Thomas

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