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Eye See You

Did anyone else grow up hearing that eyes are the ‘windows’ of the soul? One of the results of wearing a mask is that we rely much more on the eyes for visual clues. In an editorial from the Christian Century, Nathaniel Thomas wrote, “If the eye is the window to the soul, does that mean we could glimpse the depths, quality, and contents of another’s heart by searching for a certain softness within their eyes?”

I don’t know.

What I do know is that I looked into a lot of eyes this week. Familiar eyes, those of a husband of 40 years. (I recently realized we have the same eye color. I don’t remember that we started out that way.) Sleepy eyes at our morning devotions—it was still the dusk of dawn. Eyes on the long bus rides of peers who I now call friends. And countless, hopeful, waiting eyes anxiously followed the long line of scrub-clad clinic members that slowly navigated the big step down from our trusty bus into the dusty parking lot.

Often, eyes bore the wisdom of age. Slightly yellowed, always dark, yet quick to smile, the crow’s feet happily coming along. Some eyes were helpful. Those eyes bore red hats, the sign of Guatemalan volunteers who worked alongside us, facilitating their neighbors through the process. Raised brows let me know they were trying to interpret my inept gesturing to uncover my needs. The mischievous eyes of the young were bursting with curiosity but not brave enough to let go of mama’s skirt. Interested in this new unknown, their eyes followed us. And, last and potentially my favorite, the wide eyes of the babies that searched our strange faces. The babies were wrapped on their mama’s back; they have so much life looking forward.

Tomorrow we begin the journey home. We have plenty of time for further reflection.
We ride the trusty bus three plus hours to Antiqua. The following day most will drive to Guatemala City for the airport home. We are returning to the city of our origin, but possibly we are not returning quite the same person – for behind our eyes, we have a new softness.

Experiences that bring a new focus to our created world and our brothers and sisters in Christ are gifts from God. An opportunity now exists to respond to that gift with clarity and renewed charity. “Open the eyes of my heart Lord. Open the eyes of my heart. I want to see you.” We sing loudly, Holy, holy, holy.

Day 7 ended, and it was very good.



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