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I imagine all of Faith In Practice Team 651are getting ready for Friday’s early morning departure. We are finishing things up at work, making arrangements for child care and pet care, asking neighbors to watch while we are away, deciding what to pack into our one carry on suitcase, and all the while we are wondering what is in store for us.  We will hug and kiss our loved ones to fly far away to a new place with new people for a new experience.  We are saying our prayers, asking that God keep our loved ones and ourselves safe, asking for Him to give us the strength and knowledge and skill we will need to be successful, and thanking Him for this opportunity and all the blessings in our lives. We are putting ourselves in God’s loving hands as we take this leap of faith into the unknown.

Right now, in Guatemala, our patients are doing the same thing. They are readying themselves for their journey, they are saying good bye to those they hold most dear, they are also taking a leap of faith, going to a foreign place, thanking God for this incredible opportunity to become healed. In answering their prayers for wellness, we will also become healed.

Soon we will all be together on that majestic mountain closer to God.