Faith In Practice Newsletter

Images above: Liz Junge with her young patient and his mother during the 787 Thompson trip.

Meet Liz from the 787 Thompson Team!

Liz Junge is a sonographer with almost 15 years of professional experience who recently served as a first-time Faith In Practice volunteer with the 787 Thompson Medical Clinic team in Jalapa, Guatemala. Liz learned about Faith In Practice through a co-worker who has been going every year and decided to volunteer her sonography services in Guatemala for the first time.

Safety was one of Liz’s initial concerns when considering traveling to Guatemala, but she said she felt very safe throughout her trip. She explains that staying with her group was emphasized, and she spoke very highly of her team leaders, Felicity Thompson and Richard Rosenthal, and their efforts to work closely with Faith In Practice to ensure volunteer safety and remain transparent with the team before and during the trip.

When asked what she tells people who ask her about Faith In Practice experience, Liz said, “If you have any questions about donating to something that makes a difference, you don’t have to worry about it with this group. [Faith In Practice] is making such a huge impact on the lives of these patients. It’s so well run, and it’s integrated with people who live [in Guatemala] and teaming up with people who have skills to offer from the United States [Houston, TX] and equipment. It’s amazing and so beautiful.” Liz also shares she was very impressed with the care that Faith In Practice provides to patients – “It’s so comprehensive from start to finish. It’s so thoughtful.”

While reflecting on her mission trip, Liz was all smiles. She said that although it was hot, and she and her teammates were working very hard throughout the week, by the end of the mission week she decided she wanted to return to Guatemala and volunteer in the future because of her experience. Liz said, “It worked out to really be unforgettable, and it was very rewarding. Patients would give me a hug, and I don’t get that often in the United States…There were lots of blessings directed toward me, and hugs, and appreciation. It obviously exceeded my expectations because I’m coming back next year!”

Faith In Practice encourages all Medical Clinic volunteer teams to include an imaging specialist who is proficient in performing ultrasounds. A dedicated imaging specialist allows for streamlined imaging on-site throughout the clinic week, and medical providers can provide more comprehensive patient evaluation and treatment.

If you’re passionate about volunteering, we invite you to explore exciting opportunities at and discover the various impactful roles available. Join us in making a difference!

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