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We began our day bright and early at the hotel. The grounds are beautiful with lovely bird songs and peacocks walking about freely. We met as a group before breakfast for praise-singing and devotional time led by David Boswell and Donald Moon. The devotionals for the week will be based in Phillipians and centered around joy. Phillipians 1:6 states in part “ he who began a good work in you will carry it out to completion” As we begin our surgeries this week we pray in confidence that God’s will complete the healing of our patients.

After breakfast we loaded onto the bus and headed to Hilario Galindo hospital where we prayed with the patients we will serve for the week. The OR staff spent the morning unpacking trunks and setting up the rooms, the pharmacy was set up, surgeons/translators/anesthesia and others triaged 47 patients who will all have surgery. These will include gall bladder removal and hernia repair among others. The youngest patient is 13 years old and the oldest is 76. They and their families will stay on-site in dormitory housing (Casa Milagro) until they are cleared to return home

All those we met today were very grateful to see our team and feel blessed to be able to have the surgery that they have been needing. Our prayer is that we minister in the spirit of Christ as we serve. Check back tomorrow to meet some of our patients and thanks for your prayers

-Laura Cousar