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Second day of clinic, we started our day with another wonderful devotion led by Oscar. Everyone’s determination and perseverance is magnificent. I believe the day will go well if you start it with a prayer and harmonious people. After the prayer, we had debriefing about yesterdays service to the wonderful Guatemalan people. It’s astounding how team members share their experiences and gave it a positive spin to ameliorate for today. Our team theme is staying present. Every morning we are born again and what we do today is what matters most. We are all very fortunate to be of service to the Guatemalan people, we should enjoy every moment we have with them.

When we arrived to the clinic there were people waiting for us and giving us blessings which always warms my heart. Clinic staff continues to demonstrate resourcefulness and ingenuity in keeping the clinic active. Today the flow was much better and we got to see many pediatric and elderly patients. Mobility clinic is doing a stunning job with wheelchairs, walkers and wound care, everyone is working from their heart and it shows.  It seems there were a few people who needed social services assistance and we are so lucky to have Oscar to assist with his expertise. Mental healthcare is as important as any other care; it’s been difficult due to lingering social stigmas and scarcity of services. When the mind is calm, how quickly, how smoothly, how beautifully you will perceive everything.

One of the patients I would like to share the story is Carlos who is 17 years old and has a major fear of dogs and anxiety. He was 8 years old when a dog bit his hip, since then he has been so afraid to get out because of dogs and is anxious most of the time. Oscar showed him relaxation techniques and helped him to calm his mind and heart. Carlos felt a lot better and was given an object to focus on to use as relaxing tool.

Quote for today is by Paramahansa Yogananda, “Before embarking on important undertakings, sit quietly, calm your senses and thoughts, and meditate deeply. You will then be guided by the great creative power of Spirit.”

Guru Singh, RN, BSN, RRT

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