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Third day of clinic, we are starting with devotional and coffee which is necessary at this point. Todays devotional topic was the high and lows of life and how we can relate it to todays service. Life is full of ups & downs. The trick is to enjoy the ups and have courage during the downs. Sometimes we might not able to relate to what people are going through but by being there and listening makes difference. Listening is often the only thing needed to help someone. After the prayer, we debrief about yesterday’s service and it was very positive and lively. This group shines a light on the road ahead in our mission journey.

There were people waiting for us in front of the clinic and anticipation of these wonderful people was magnificent. Everyone knew what to do and went directly to their work stations and got ready for the Guatemalan people. These are the few stories I would like to share:
– Vicente (Father) and Moses (son) came to the clinic for eye glasses. Moses drove from Guatemala City last night and it’s about a 4 hour drive. He slept in his car last night and picked up Vicente. Vicente is blind in one eye and cannot see clearly in his other eye. Cindy was assisting Vicente to find glasses that would best fit him. Vicente did not know how to read but Cindy was creative to find him the best pair of glasses. Vincente was very happy with his glasses and can see now. Moses’ love, determination and perseverance were incredible.
– In the mobility clinic, Rodrigo who is 19 years old is in need of wheelchair. Rodrigo and his mother are Mayans. He has never been to school, walks with his hands, and speaks only few words. Rodrigo has some kind of muscular dystrophy. He is a very cheerful guy who is smiling all the time and enjoys interacting with people. He was measured for the wheelchair and physical therapy was provided by Patty. Referral for physical and speech therapy was provided to Rodrigo. His mother was so relieved and the joy on her face was delightful.
– In the mobility clinic, Julio who is 34 years old, cannot walk and was carried by his father who is 76 years old. For the past 7 years, Julio has not been able to walk and his father has been carrying him around the town and home. Julio father walked and carried him for 1 km to the clinic. A wheelchair was provided to Julio and his father was relieved. His father was seen by one of the general doctors. Julio’s father determination, love and drive to take care of his son is impressive.

Todays service was full of emotion, love and gratitude. Everyone worked together as a team and showed the Guatemalan people kindness, joy and love. Quotes of the day is by Paramahansa Yogananda, “Love is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families and nations.” “Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success, and above all, love.”

Guru Singh, RN, BSN, RRT

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