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Providers cared for about 250 patients yesterday and the mobility clinic gave out 20 wheelchairs.

Team Wells left the hotel under sky blue skies this morning. Nancy Phillips shared a devotional on the bus while we waited in traffic, showing the importance of being flexible, of flowing with what happens because so much is beyond our control. On this mission. In life. Nancy shared how she’d been reflecting on reflections and how the stoics resonate with her.

She shared this fabulous quote from Epictetus to help us launch our day:

“Some things are in our control, while others are not. We control our opinion, choice, desire, aversion, and, in a word, everything of our own doing. We don’t control our body, property, reputation, positions, and, in a word, everything not of our own doing. Even more, the things in our control are by nature free, unhindered, and unobstructed, while those not in our control are weak, slavish, can be hindered, and are not our own.”

When Team Wells arrived, the Red Hats, the local volunteers, were already on sight and had set out the rows of chairs, six feet apart. Their support is immeasurable. They handle daily tasks with friendliness and efficiency. From setting up chairs to sweeping the floor—the opening and closing of the day—to the most important job of escorting patients, their help is enormous and deeply appreciated.

Mynor who is with us this week building wheelchairs and helping people with their new blue chairs, shared about one of the patients, Jessica, who received a wheelchair. Jessica is 22 and has been in a wheelchair since she was four years old after being hit by a bullet and developing scoliosis.

Mynor and Jessica bonded over their stories as Mynor was also hit by a bullet 12 years ago and has been in a wheelchair since then. Mynor talked with Jessica about more than her wheelchair. He counseled her on skin care to avoid sores, on hygiene, and provided additional mobility resources. Bigger than that, Mynor talked with her about being more independent, not letting her wheelchair define her. He told her he drives and is married. He used his wife as an example as she also is in a wheelchair. He encouraged Jessica’s mom too, to be supportive of her daughter’s independence, to see that her daughter can live a fuller life.

Mynor shared that cases like Jessica’s are why he does the work he does. He said that thanks to his NGO job, he’s learned more empathy through understanding the needs of others.

He spoke to Jessica with care and humility. She listened and listened and nodded and grinned. She was surprised he drives and is married. He inspired her profoundly, shining light on possibilities. She thought she was getting a new wheelchair. She didn’t know she’d also be blessed with wise compassionate counsel.

Mynor’s true humanity, brimming with care, with connection, was Faith in Practice at work. A faith to a higher calling, embodied in practice, creating magic, changing lives.

Often we don’t know the impact our words have. And, sometimes, if we’re lucky, we do. Mynor’s words to Jessica: The right person at the right time with the right words. A pure blessing.

Later in the day, the delightful Yoan, a three-year-old, lit up the room. Joanne, his mama, said he could stand on his own and wasn’t walking so she brought him to the clinic. He got his first walker (Doctor ordered braces for him too) and cruised across the tile floor. When we cheered for him, he stopped and waved. So proud of himself. What a beautiful moment in his little life, in his mama’s life. “He’s a fast learner,” Joanne said, all smiles, her mama pride beaming, “with everything.”

All day long providers dispensing care and kindness and guidance. “It’s hard to move when you’re in pain, and it’s so important,” Dr. Mitchell told a woman. “Sometimes people don’t need medicine. They just need to hear it’s okay to feel sad,” Dr. Carlyle said about patients he’d seen who were grieving. From babies to seniors, Team Wells cared for patients, seeing them where they are in their lives, swollen with their humanity. The entire team looks forward to another two days of being of service, of providing heart-centered care.

-Annie Gudger

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