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¡Nosotros llegamos a Guatemala! We have arrived in Guatemala! Medical professionals from all over the United States met yesterday at the airport in Guatemala for the first time, where they got ready for the long trip ahead of them to Retalhuleu. The team was able to see the beautiful Guatemalan countryside on their way to their hotel, with all its grand mountain ranges and lush vegetation. The team made it to the hotel in the lovely city of Retalhuleu last night, and they had a wonderful first dinner together with many traditional Guatemalan dishes. This morning, the team woke up to a refreshing and enlightening devotional that prepared everyone for the first day ahead. After a delicious breakfast, the team made their way to the hospital where the day was begun with a group prayer to bless all those who would be serving the people of Guatemala that day. Throughout the day, staff visited with many underprivileged patients who were suffering from a variety of ailments and injuries. God truly showed himself in all the tireless efforts of the staff from the U.S. and from Guatemala to provide the Guatemalan public with the best medical care they can provide. Doctors from all over not only the United States, but also Guatemala, provided impeccable care with a passion and zeal that shone for the Lord that shone through each and every one of them today. We look forward to what God has in store for the rest of the week.

Spotlight: Dr. Funston, from Houston, was interviewed today to see how the first day of work went, and it seemed like a powerful day, even for just day one. The diverse team of medical professionals from so many different backgrounds really came together today to provide the highest quality of care possible, and doing so made it very apparent to Dr. Funston how grateful the patients were for the service that these doctors were providing, services that many Americans take for granted on a daily basis. Illnesses like appendicitis, which can easily be fixed in almost any American hospital, is a much more serious diagnosis in a country like Guatemala where the closest hospital may be a several hour drive away from some rural communities. Dr. Funston is truly thankful for all the incredible people who have come together to support this mission and is excited to see what God has in store for the rest of the week!

Grant Farrow

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