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We made it to Antigua and well rested from yesterday’s travels. Today we are ready to attack the day with love, kindness and most importantly a smile. Yesterday was about our travels, today is about Guatemalan people. I am so impressed and amazed by the discipline this group has shown. We met bright and early 6am in the morning for devotion after long travel day. Devotion was led by Oscar who provided calmness and humor, reminding us why we are here. Today’s devotional quote” Thank you for the privilege to serve for the opportunity to be heard today. During this time of our lives, we ask that each of us find in this mission, joy and that we are open to listen to the voices of the one we will encounter in silence.” After the prayer there was a moment of silence for remembrance of 9/11 victims and families. Topic of the week is to be present, connect with people and smile.

That’s the number of highly motivating, selfless professionals and lay people that came together for one week to serve the people in Guatemalan towns. Our “dream team” this year is strong and willing to devote their week to people. After breakfast and organizing our stuff, we are headed to Momostenango where our clinic location is for the week. The clinic is held in a school called Kajib No’J and setup takes place in classrooms and indoor playground. After the meeting and prayers, we start setting up our work stations and organize all the equipment each department needs. The team was introduced to generous Guatemalan volunteers who will be assisting us throughout the week.
Another amazing moment today was unloading all the equipment from the truck. The whole team works together so well that you could not tell they met for the first time. Our team is organized, caring and most importantly…effective. We are a family. It felt like we have known each other for years and no one was alone in this process. It’s amazing how willing people are to adapt to new roles, environment and exceed in performing it.

After setting up each department, we were ready to head to the hotel which is about 1hr 30mins drive to Quetzaltenango. After getting settled and relax for short time then our orientation began which was held by our prodigious team coordinators Tagni and Julia. Today was energetic, rewarding and effective first day.

I will close today’s work with this quote from Paramahansa Yogananda, “Whatever you do, you must do cheerfully for the service of all and be very ambitious in well-doing”.

Waheguru Singh


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