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Today was clinic day in which we evaluated patients for surgery this week. Many patients come long distances to be evaluated.The longest was from way north, about 8 hours away. They have already been screened by a retired orthopedic surgeon from California who lives in Antigua. Consequently almost all the patients qualify for surgery. We scheduled about 65 cases for the week. Some patients had to be postponed due medical problems like uncontrolled hypertension or diabetes that needs to be addressed prior to surgery. One tested positive for Covid and had to be canceled. These folks will be rescheduled with one of the upcoming teams. Sadly there were a few that we felt that surgery would not help. The people here are appreciative, gracious, and humble. They are a pleasure to work with. A very full day today but a very good one. We look forward to Monday, the first OR day. More to follow.

-James Bruce

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