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Today was another busy day in the hospital as we had 13 surgeries. We started off with rounds, where we checked on all of the patients that we worked on yesterday to see how they were doing. It was good to see all of them on the path to recovery. Everyone seemed happy to see the doctors this morning and very appreciative of what they did for them.

I decided to ask one of the pacu nurses, Shannon, how she got involved with Faith in Practice. She told me she was invited by another nurse a couple of years ago. She was not sure about it at first because she had a bad experience on a mission trip with a different organization, but decided to give it a chance. She really enjoyed her first time here and her experience with Faith in Practice and has been coming every year since then. The reason I came on this trip is actually really special to my family. My mother has been volunteering with Faith and Practice for the past 17 years, usually coming down 2-3 times a year. My father has come down with her every year for the last 15 years and even my younger sister came last year before she started her freshman year of college. Needless to say, Faith in Practice is a big part of our lives. I have always wanted to come to Guatemala since I was younger and I was finally given the opportunity to join the team this year. I have never seen my mother in her profession, so it was interesting to she what she does every day. I found it fascinating to see how Faith and Practice is making a difference in the lives of these people.

Our last patient of the day was very emotional. At first we thought she was crying in pain, but it turns out she was just very grateful for her surgery. She prayed for a very long time and thanked God for the surgery and for all of us. She just kept saying “thank you”. Now I understand why the volunteers keep coming back.

Taylor Foss

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