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Canton Dolores is a new clinic community for Faith in Practice.  The local volunteer leader who recruits patients for our jornada had many complex family issues this year.  Our clinic volunteers came from several different areas to support this first clinic.  We didn’t know how many patients to expect, but the word spread quickly, and our clinics were overflowing every day.

So many patients arrived with untreated hernias, and an overwhelming number of patients had diabetes.  Our providers made referrals and provided much education.  The lab and pharmacy were bustling.  The gyn clinic was busy with women’s issues (surgery referrals, menstrual pain, infertility, and more), but I also had fun doing ultrasounds for pregnant women.  The mobility clinic saw complex wheelchair patients and distributed improved canes and walkers as needed.

As in the US, it seems that the country is opening up, and people are getting out more, returning to office jobs. The pain of COVID lingers as many families deal with their COVID losses.  This pain affects mental health and all other health concerns.  FIP is much appreciated for providing needed surgeries, wheelchairs, and other healthcare deferred for far too long.