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Free day fellowship.

After morning rounds, the 763 team spent the last day in Antigua exploring, shopping, eating, laughing a,nd just enjoying this beautiful and friendly place.

Hobbitenango offered spectacular views and delicious food. The market offered various handmade goods for sale. Of course, Starbucks offers a tasty beverage. And a friendly tuk-tuk driver takes some of us back to Quinta de las Flores.

It’s a bittersweet day for the team. We are happy that our mission was successful and ready to see our families. But we are sad to leave this place and these people. We feel at home here and have fallen in love with Guatemala.

We are grateful for the 51 patients that trusted us with their care and touched our lives forever. We pray for a speedy recovery for each of them.

Nos vemos el proximo año Guatemala! (See ya next year Guatemala!)