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GILL TEAM 723 – Friday, 4-1-22

Traditionally on Friday morning of our surgery week, the surgeons return to the Obras to do rounds on their remaining patients in the postoperative wards.   

This year we had an extra step in the process, which was COVID testing for our flights home Saturday. Thankfully, all team members tested negative. However, it was April Fool’s Day! A team member was told their test was slightly positive, and they needed to retest. I love the sense of humor of this team!   

Pastor Dave and I accompanied Drs. Stehly, Apel, and Vohra went to the hospital to do a last check on the patients, all of whom were heading home to their villages.  

We prayed with them, the doctors wrote discharge orders, and we said a sad adios. While we may never see these sweet patients again, we will treasure them in our hearts.

I want to give a special tribute to the people on the team who are behind the scenes. While their names may not be mentioned often, each person is integral to the process, from meeting a patient, scheduling a procedure, performing the surgery, and postoperative care. Having worked beside these amazing caregivers for ten years, I am inspired by their dedication and the joy they experience in sharing their God-given skills with others.

Our medical mission team is analogous to the body of Christ. No church can function without its members. A pastor leads a church, but it is with the support of all the staff and volunteers that the church ministers to the body of Christ and spreads the Gospel.

1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”  

Thank you, everyone on Gill Team 723, for your contribution!


Friday evening, we had a special celebration dinner, celebrating 20 years of the Gill Team. We had several visitors, including Linda McCarty, Bob & Shirley Vela, Corina Gonzalez-Borja, Bob Litschi, Omar Chen, Tamalyn Gutierrez, as well as former team members Debbie Burns, Jill Gill, Daryl & Ronnie Greebon, Debbie Jobe, and Patty Litterer. 

What a legacy for Dr. Gill and all these present/former Faith in Practice personnel and volunteers! When one person says yes to God’s calling, miracles begin to happen. Dozens of people have volunteered over the years and the lives of so many patients have been changed in dramatic ways. For all who have used their God-given talents to serve others, the day will come when you will hear Jesus say the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”